Our Youth component consists of Xinos, a high school group for female youth in grades 9 through 12, and Kudos, an advisory group for male youth in grades 9 through 12. We are committed to providing various activities that will enable the Xinos and Kudos to face the future with civility, confidence, and competence. The Xinos and Kudos program offers guidance, career counseling, life skills, educational enhancement, and socialization training for female & male youth who maintain a "C" average, display good moral character, and demonstrate an interest in public and community service. Our students meet monthly for two hours which consists of a leadership meeting with Parliamentary Procedures and activities (i.e., creating a vision board, debating current issues, tutoring). We build confidence and give students strategies to navigate high school and beyond.
We have concentrated our activities on Leadership training, College Information, Academics, and Community Service. Our Community Service activities have included: Project GiveBack in November, Red Hot Sock Collection for children in need, knitting warm scarfs for children, collecting books with our sponsoring chapter for children at the St. Ann Infant Home, feeding the Homeless, assisting residents at the Washington Home for the Aged, and sorting toys for the Toys for Tots Program. The youth plans our social activities with the help of the Advisors and Hub Parents. These activities included movie night, bowling, skating, and Go Kart. One of the highlights of the year is the Eastern Region's weekend Youth Leadership Conference which consists of exciting competitions (oratorical, talent, step, chapter activity scrapbook, and essay). Our students can also participate in Art and Science competitions. During the conference, students select leadership training or self-improvement workshops. A Scholarship Awards Banquet is held and is followed by a dance. This is a rich and rewarding experience for our youth. |